The holidays are a time for family, friends, and fun.
But they can also be a time of stress, especially when it comes to driving.
Many people will be on the road during the holiday season, and it’s important to make sure that everyone gets where they’re going safely.
In this blog post, we will discuss some safe driving tips for the holiday season.
Buckle up, stay alert, and enjoy your trip!
Safe Driving Tips
Stay focused on the road
It’s easy to get distracted while driving, especially if you’re trying to navigate unfamiliar roads or are in a hurry.
Make sure to keep your eyes on the road and do not use your phone while driving.
Follow speed limits
Speed limits are there for a reason – they help ensure drivers don’t go too fast for the road conditions.
Remember that during holiday times, roads can be more congested than usual, so make sure to follow posted speed limits and adjust your speed accordingly.
Take frequent breaks 
Driving can be tiring, especially when traveling long distances or with children in tow.
To stay alert and safe, take frequent breaks and switch drivers periodically if possible.
Be prepared for inclement weather
Weather can change quickly, so make sure to check the forecast before you hit the road and be prepared for any unexpected storms or snowfall.
If you’re driving up north, it’s a good idea to have winter tires or tires with good tread remaining on them.
It also helps to have new windshield wipers and bright headlights to help navigate through bad weather conditions safely.
Respect other drivers
It’s easy to get frustrated during holiday traffic jams or when driving long distances; do your vest to remain courteous and respectful of other drivers on the road.
You’ll be the one who benefits from keeping cool and not letting other drivers, and their bad habits, to get under your skin.
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Yielding to other vehicles when appropriate will ensure that everyone gets where they need to go safely.
Put an emergency kit and nonperishable food in your trunk
These items can be invaluable in an emergency, such as a flat tire or breakdown.
Do not drink and drive
Remember that it is never okay to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs – even during a holiday season – no matter how much stress or time pressure you may feel.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)estimates indicate DWI-related impaired driving fatalities are up.
What to do if you’re involved in an accident
If you are involved in an accident while driving during the holiday season, it’s important to stay calm and take the proper steps.
First, check to see if anyone has been injured.
If so, call 911 immediately.
Move your vehicle off of the road if you can do so safely and away from oncoming traffic as quickly as possible.
Stand behind guard rails and out of the lanes of travel.
Turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers and make sure everyone stays out of harm’s way.
The next step is to exchange contact and insurance information with any other drivers who were involved in the wreck.
Take note of the time, location, weather conditions, and details about what happened and get the names and contact information of any witnesses present at the scene.
Once all this is done, document everything with photos and, if possible, call the police for an official report.
Do you need a lawyer right away?
If you have been injured and if the other driver was at fault, we think it’s important to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible.
It’s important that your legal rights are protected.
Lawyers want you to receive full and fair compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and any pain and suffering incurred due to the accident.
No one wants to get in a wreck over the holidays, let alone be seriously injured.
Unfortunately, it happens.
If you are the victim of someone else’s negligence, we’d like to help.
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As such, we think it’s a good idea to consult with an attorney as soon as possible after an accident.
Remember, insurance adjusters try hard to settle quickly and may leave out important details which could affect the amount of compensation you receive.
Insurance companies make money by denying claims and paying less than they should.
The carrier is not on your side.
They are not protecting your interests.
They represent the big insurance companies and their profits.
Call a lawyer immediately if you’ve been injured in the wreck.
What kinds of damages are possible after an accident?
If you have been injured or your property (car, personal items) has been damaged due to someone else’s negligence, you may be able to recover damages.
What kind of damages are possible?
In North Carolina, potential damages could include medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, legal fees, and things like that.
The amount of compensation that can be recovered from an insurance company or another party depends on the injuries suffered and losses incurred.
Are punitive damages possible for drunk driving wrecks?
If the driver of the other vehicle was drunk at the time of the accident, you may be able to collect punitive damages as well.
Punitive damages are meant to punish drunk drivers and discourage them and others from engaging in similar grossly dangerous, reckless conduct in the future.
Dodge Jones Injury Law Firm
One of the best ways to stay safe while driving during the holiday season is to practice safe driving habits such as avoiding distractions, paying attention to your speed limit, and always wearing a seatbelt.
And if you, unfortunately, become involved in an accident, make sure that you take all necessary steps afterward to ensure everyone’s safety and protect your legal rights.
At Dodge Jones Injury Law Firm, our experienced attorneys are here to help you receive the full and fair compensation you deserve if an accident occurs.
We have substantial experience helping clients throughout North Carolina.
Contact us today for a free consultation.
We’d like to help you get back on your feet after an accident.
Happy Holidays from Dodge Jones Injury Law Firm!