
Articles Posted in Motor Vehicle Accidents


Why you should have a Dash Cam

Dash Cameras are no longer limited to police officers or NC DMV enforcement. Video evidence is becoming increasingly common in personal injury trials, especially when it comes to resolving legal issues involving who is responsible for an accident. Car Accident lawyers appreciate dash cams in a state where contributory negligence…


Holiday Drunk Driving Accidents

The holiday season is upon us.  With that comes parties, family get-togethers, office events. . .and drunk driving. It may come as a surprise to some that the Wednesday before Thanksgiving has surpassed New Year’s  as the “Biggest Drinking Day in the US.”   Law enforcement hasn’t missed the fact that #BlackOutWednesday is…


Police car struck by drunk driver

There is a reason why driving while impaired is aggressively enforced.  “Accidents” are not limited to the general public.  WBTV Charlotte reports a police car struck by drunk driver, resulting in serious injuries to the officer. The fact-patterns associated with accidents and DWI charges reveal it’s really not an accident.…


When should I contact an attorney after an accident?

Experienced personal injury lawyers in Eastern North Carolina understand the importance of protecting and preserving legal claims for damages after a car wreck, motorcycle accident, or semi-truck accident. Lawyers who help people with NC accident cases know the insurance adjustors want to jump in and try to settle personal injury…


What happens when you make a legal claim for a rear end accident?

Personal injury law firm in Greenville NC – Rear end collisions and legal liability Experienced lawyers in North Carolina understand how important it is to establish liability in a personal injury claim.  Law firms who help people with car accidents, semi-truck wrecks, and motorcycle collisions occasionally face legal issues where the…


What happens in an accident when the other person is not insured?

Car accidents in Greenville NC:  Un-Insured Motorists and Wreck Cases with injuries in North Carolina What does UM and UIM mean in North Carolina personal injury law? When does under insured insurance coverage come into play in a NC wreck case? What’s the difference with un-insured motorist claims and law suits?…


Should I go see a doctor after an accident?

Medical Treatment in Car Wrecks:  North Carolina Accident Lawyer Kevin Jones talks about making a claim for damages Clients seeking legal representation or a personal injury attorney in Eastern NC often have a lot of questions.  At the Dodge Jones Personal Injury law firm, we’re here to help people hurt…

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