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Articles Posted in Personal Injury

The Growing Prevalence of Social Media in the United States NC Accident Lawyers

In today’s interconnected world, social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat have permeated every aspect of our lives. They serve as powerful tools for connection, communication, and self-expression.

However, these platforms are a double-edged sword, especially for those entangled in personal injury lawsuits in North Carolina, where an innocuous social media post could significantly sway the direction of a case.

Wrongful death cases can arise from a variety of causes, such as car accidents, truck accidents, workplace fatalities, and other types of Wrongful Death Lawyers negligence.

If you or someone you know has been affected by a wrongful death of a loved one, know that the Dodge Jones Injury Law Firm is available to provide experienced legal insight and support.

Our team is here to help ensure justice is served and that victims are fully and fairly compensated for their losses.

There’s a reason why texting while driving is illegal in North Carolina.TEXTING WHILE DRIVING IS NEGLIGENT

It’s incredibly dangerous, predictably resulting in car accidents, wrongful death claims, and lives ruined.

The National Highway Traffic Administration or “NHTSA” estimates “distracted driving,” which includes texting while driving, accounts for a substantial number of accident-related fatalities on our highways.

As 2019 comes to a close we all tend to take stock, making New Year’s Resolutions.  What was good PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERSthis year?  What could be better next year?  What do I need out of my life that is causing problems?

A common thread is an overwhelming desire to be less stressed and overwhelmed.  Starting 2020 with fewer hassles and worries makes sense.

If you’ve been trying to deal with an insurance adjuster in 2019, one of your New Year’s Resolutions may include letting go and asking an accident lawyer for help – Kevin Jones, Personal Injury Attorney

How much are legal fees?Recovery from a bad wreck can involve more than just ER visits, X-rays, doctors, and rehab.  If you’ve been suffering through the process, wondering about your lost wages and bills, often the LAST thing you want to think about is litigation.  Are lawsuits required?

Not necessarily.

In fact, likely more-often-than-not, bringing a claim for damages against the person who caused the wreck ends prior to the actual filing of formal legal “pleadings.”

Do I need a lawyer?Retaining an attorney or law firm for legal representation may be an important first step in settling a claim for damages.  Establishing the attorney-client relationship may seem a bit overwhelming to start.  Knowing what to expect at the first office visit is a good place to start.

Of course, that assumes an office visit works for you.  Not everyone is well enough to meet with a lawyer at their office.

That’s one reason we will come to you.


After my accident, how do I obtain compensation?

  • How are car accident claims handled in North Carolina?


Why is the insurance company involved if I was not at fault?

  • What does “at fault” mean under the NC Accident Laws?


Eastern North Carolina personal injury law firm: What do lawyers charge in wreck cases?  Contingency Fees in NC

  • What does it cost to hire a lawyer in North Carolina?


Repetitive Motion Injuries in the Workplace

Eastern NC Repetitive Motion Injury Lawyer
People ask me about repetitive motion injuries. Injuries that occur over time because of doing the same physical activity or similar physical activity over and over and over throughout the day at work.

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