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Articles Posted in Workers’ Compensation

The stated purpose of the NC Workers’ Compensation Act is “fair and just” compensation for the Injured Employee.WORKMENS COMPENSATION LAWYERS NC

The North Carolina worker compensation laws are intended to assist injured employees.

Indeed, the North Carolina Supreme Court has consistently ruled that the primary consideration is proper compensation for employees injured as a result of on-the-job accidents.

Claims for exposure to workplace diseasesCan I get Workers Compensation for the Coronavirus?

The North Carolina workers’ compensation laws allow, in certain circumstances, compensation for transmitted diseases and fatalities.

While many if not most people think of work comp as relating to a slip-and-fall or some other traumatic physical injury, there are some professions where there are unique susceptibilities to transmittable diseases.

You’d like to think you won’t need workers comp in NC. But when life (and work) throw you unexpected surprises, you don’t want to be stuck paying medical bills you can’t afford. It happens more often than you think–there were over 2 million work-related injuries in the US in 2016.

1. What is Workers Comp in North Carolina?

The North Carolina Workers Compensation Act aims to provide compensation to employees in the event of an injury that prevents you from working.

On-the-job injuries that occur in the workplace may be covered by the NC workers’ compensation laws.

If you’ve been hurt at work, we think it’s a good idea to talk to a Work Comp lawyer in Greenville as soon as possible about your options and legal rights.

If you’ve been injured on the job you may feel stressed out and worried that you’re not going to be able to make ends meet.  We may be able to help lighten the load.  Let us deal with the insurance company and their adjusters – Kevin Jones, Workers Compensation Lawyer Greenville NC 

death-benefits-1-300x200First, please accept our most sincere condolences on your loss.  If you have questions about legal claims for damages as a result of a workplace fatality, please call now. The last thing you need to worry about is legal fees, so we don’t charge anything to talk to you and provide general guidance during your time of loss.  Our NC Workers’ Compensation Law Firm is here to help and answer your questions.  That’s why we’ve prepared this guide entitled:  Death Benefits from Workers Comp: Everything You Need to Know

By Kevin Jones, NC Board Certified Workers’ Compensation Specialist 

More 5,000 people die on the job every year.  That’s truly a shocking number.  What’s more disturbing is the fact that nearly 60,000 more die from workplace-related diseases.


If you have questions about the NC Work Comp laws, like how to file for workers comp in North Carolina and what that entails, Kevin Jones is a Board Certified Workers’ Compensation Specialist in North Carolina.

Filing for workers comp can feel like a difficult process, but we’ve compiled this list of steps you should take once you’ve been injured on the job.

An estimated 2.9 million nonfatal workplace injuries occurred in the American workplace in 2016. Almost 900,000 of those required time away from work.

Workers-Compensation-Lawyers-Near-Me-2-300x200Injured at work?  Need legal representation in eastern North Carolina? Not sure who to call?  Here are 10 Tips for Choosing a Lawyer for a workplace injury in North Carolina.

If you were hurt at work or suffered an on the job injury, there are literally hundreds of accident injury lawyers who help people with North Carolina Workers’ Compensation claims.  It makes sense to seek professional legal help when attempting to navigate the NC Workers’ Comp system.

In choosing a lawyer, it’s important to keep in mind a few things before making your decision.  Take your time.  Give the same amount of time and attention you would in finding a specialist an important medical issue.


If I win my case how is the money paid?

The Greenville NC Dodge Jones personal injury law firm helps people with workplace injuries.  We offer a free consultation and want to answer your questions about legal representation for cases in Jacksonville, New Bern, Morehead City, and Raleigh, North Carolina.


What if Injury is On The Clock and My Fault?

Greenville NC Work Comp Lawyer and the Dodge Jones Personal Injury Law Firm is here to answer your questions.  We offer free advice about what we think is the best way to proceed with a Comp Claim during the initial, confidential legal consultation.


If I quit my job what happens to my Comp claim?

Greenville NC Work Comp lawyer Kevin Jones can help answer your questions about disability benefits.

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