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Top 25 Workers' Compensation Trial Lawyers

Workers-Compensation-Lawyers-Near-Me-2-300x200Injured at work?  Need legal representation in eastern North Carolina? Not sure who to call?  Here are 10 Tips for Choosing a Lawyer for a workplace injury in North Carolina.

If you were hurt at work or suffered an on the job injury, there are literally hundreds of accident injury lawyers who help people with North Carolina Workers’ Compensation claims.  It makes sense to seek professional legal help when attempting to navigate the NC Workers’ Comp system.

In choosing a lawyer, it’s important to keep in mind a few things before making your decision.  Take your time.  Give the same amount of time and attention you would in finding a specialist an important medical issue.

On average, 2.9 million American workers sustain non-fatal work-related injuries per year.

A large portion of these injuries occurred in the construction industry. However, it’s possible for anyone to get hurt at work, no matter their position or employment field.

Most individuals who do experience a work-related injury automatically assume that they will receive financial compensation of some kind. This is certainly true in some cases.

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If you’ve been injured on the job or suffer a work-related illness, you might be entitled to worker’s compensation benefits. Unfortunately, insurance companies and employers often don’t allow workers comp claims, even when you’re clearly in the right. This leaves vulnerable employees at the mercy of a complicated system of appeals.

Compensation lawyers will give you a much higher chance of getting the benefits you deserve. They will talk with the worker’s comp insurer as your representative, get evidence to back up your claims, and negotiate a solid settlement.

The lawyers working for your employers and the insurance companies are not working in your best interest. They won’t think twice about rejecting your claim under suspicious circumstances.

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workers-compensation-lawsuit-1-300x200Did you know that transportation-related injuries and fatalities top the list of occupational hazards in the U.S?

That’s right. They cause so many losses and claim so many lives that 2,083 incidents of work transportation incidents took place in 2016 alone.

About 3.7 million workers suffer from injuries every year. It’s for this reason that workers compensation lawsuit rates remain high. This is also the reason why North Carolina implements rigorous laws when it comes to worker safety.

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GREENVILLE-NC-Car-accident-lawyers-1-300x180Experienced personal injury lawyers in Eastern North Carolina understand the importance of protecting and preserving legal claims for damages after a car wreck, motorcycle accident, or semi-truck accident.

Lawyers who help people with NC accident cases know the insurance adjustors want to jump in and try to settle personal injury claims quickly.  They are trying to save the insurance company money – Kevin Jones, NC Accident Injury Lawyer 

Sometimes people hurt in places like Morehead City, NC, Beaufort, New Bern, Greenville, and Jacksonville, North Carolina don’t realize what’s going on.  If you were hurt in accident, you may not fully understand the nature and extent of your injuries after the wreck.


After my accident, how do I obtain compensation?

  • How are car accident claims handled in North Carolina?


Why is the insurance company involved if I was not at fault?

  • What does “at fault” mean under the NC Accident Laws?

Both construction and manufacturing continue to be the most hazardous industries for workers. Injuries can and will happen in the workplace.

If you’ve been injured on the job, how can you file a comp claim without jeopardizing your relationship with your employer?

An experienced workers comp attorney can help protect your rights and make the process go more quickly.

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Eastern North Carolina personal injury law firm: What do lawyers charge in wreck cases?  Contingency Fees in NC

  • What does it cost to hire a lawyer in North Carolina?


Personal injury law firm in Greenville NC – Rear end collisions and legal liability

Experienced lawyers in North Carolina understand how important it is to establish liability in a personal injury claim.  Law firms who help people with car accidents, semi-truck wrecks, and motorcycle collisions occasionally face legal issues where the person who caused the accident tries to avoid legal responsibility.

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