If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Jacksonville, this comprehensive guide explains exactly what you should do. We’ll cover essential safety steps, evidence collection, reporting requirements, medical care, insurance considerations, common pitfalls, and when you should consider consulting a lawyer.
Articles Tagged with kevin jones
Wrongful Death in North Carolina – What You Need to Know
Wrongful death cases can arise from a variety of causes, such as car accidents, truck accidents, workplace fatalities, and other types of negligence.
If you or someone you know has been affected by a wrongful death of a loved one, know that the Dodge Jones Injury Law Firm is available to provide experienced legal insight and support.
Our team is here to help ensure justice is served and that victims are fully and fairly compensated for their losses.
The ABC’s of Workers Compensation in Beaufort NC
Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that protects you from most work-related injuries or illnesses. It pays benefits to people who are injured on the job and provides medical care for those who have been hurt.
In this article, we will discuss some of the basics of workplace injuries in Beaufort NC so that you know what to expect if you were hurt in an on-the-job accident.
When should I file a claim for a workplace injury?
Finding the right Workers Compensation lawyer in New Bern
Workers’ Compensation Lawyers who handle legal matters related to workplace injuries, illness, or the death of an employee may be referred to as “Work Comp” attorneys or “personal injury lawyers.”
Workers’ Compensation protects and compensates employees for lost wages, medical bills, and other expenses caused by work-related injuries and on-the-job accidents.
Achieving compensation benefits ordinarily is not related to proving negligence against the employer.
Workers Compensation Lawyer Greenville NC
On-the-job injuries that occur in the workplace may be covered by the NC workers’ compensation laws.
If you’ve been hurt at work, we think it’s a good idea to talk to a Work Comp lawyer in Greenville as soon as possible about your options and legal rights.
If you’ve been injured on the job you may feel stressed out and worried that you’re not going to be able to make ends meet. We may be able to help lighten the load. Let us deal with the insurance company and their adjusters – Kevin Jones, Workers Compensation Lawyer Greenville NC
What are legal fees for accident cases?
Eastern North Carolina personal injury law firm: What do lawyers charge in wreck cases? Contingency Fees in NC
- What does it cost to hire a lawyer in North Carolina?
What happens when you make a legal claim for a rear end accident?
Personal injury law firm in Greenville NC – Rear end collisions and legal liability
Experienced lawyers in North Carolina understand how important it is to establish liability in a personal injury claim. Law firms who help people with car accidents, semi-truck wrecks, and motorcycle collisions occasionally face legal issues where the person who caused the accident tries to avoid legal responsibility.
Should I go see a doctor after an accident?
Medical Treatment in Car Wrecks: North Carolina Accident Lawyer Kevin Jones talks about making a claim for damages
Clients seeking legal representation or a personal injury attorney in Eastern NC often have a lot of questions. At the Dodge Jones Personal Injury law firm, we’re here to help people hurt in accidents. In making a claim for money damages, you may be asking yourself:
Denial of Workplace Injury Claims in North Carolina
Denial of Workplace Injury Claims in North Carolina
- What are your rights?
Merry Christmas from Dodge Jones Injury Law Firm
Merry Christmas from Dodge Jones Injury Law Firm
We wish you and your family a happy, safe, and wonder-filled Christmas holiday – Kevin Jones