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What happens when you make a legal claim for a rear end accident?


Personal injury law firm in Greenville NC – Rear end collisions and legal liability

Experienced lawyers in North Carolina understand how important it is to establish liability in a personal injury claim.  Law firms who help people with car accidents, semi-truck wrecks, and motorcycle collisions occasionally face legal issues where the person who caused the accident tries to avoid legal responsibility.

Believe it or not, that sometimes happens even in cases where you may be sitting at a stop light and get rear ended by another motorist who was not paying attention.  Under the laws in NC, that’s called negligence.  Failure to pay attention or maintain a proper distance to stop may impose legal liability.

workers comp law firm representing the Outer Banks and Greenville NC

In a rear-end collision, most of the time there is not an issue as to whose fault it is. . .but legal cases occur where the person following too closely claims the stopped vehicle was somehow at fault.

When that happens, it helps to have an experienced North Carolina law firm on your side.  Just because a claim for contributory negligence is made, that does not mean it will hold up in an accident claim or car wreck trial in NC.

From time to time there will be allegations by the driver of the vehicle behind that rear-ended you that can be of concern whether it’d be a claim that your break lights weren’t working or some other reason, some sort of what they will claim as a sudden emergency, for example.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t recover money damages.  As accident lawyers we deal with frivolous defenses all-the-time.  Sometimes it takes accident reconstruction evidence or car wreck experts to review the on-scene details.  Other times, we have to file a lawsuit in court to protect our client’s legal rights – Kevin Jones 

North Carolina personal injury lawyers, in investigating a claim for injuries or damages resulting from a wreck, like to gather information.  Preserving evidence for trial and preparation of a legal claim or insurance demand include assembling:

  • Accident reports
  • Witness statements
  • On-scene photographs
  • Medical Evidenceaccident lawyers and law firms in Greenville NC
  • Insurance Policy Information
  • Treatment Records
  • Billing Statements
  • Lost Wages Summaries


CLICK HERE: NC Personal Injury Accident Cases


It just is something that has to be dealt with in a case.

It’s often something that’s argued by the defendant driver and/or their insurance suggester or their attorney.


Lawyers in Greenville NC who handle work comp and car wreck cases


It doesn’t mean they’re right.

Most of the time the liability is going to be clear in a rear-end collision case.


MORE INFO: What happens if the other person doesn’t have INSURANCE


However, in your case, if you have any concerns about the driver of the other vehicle saying that you were somehow partially at fault, I’m happy to sit down and talk with you about those concerns and see what we can do to help.

MORE INFO: If I win my case how is the money paid out?


The Dodge Jones Personal Injury Law Firm helps people with wreck cases involving cars, semi-trucks, and motorcycles.  Our Greenville NC lawyers handle Workers’ Compensation claims in Raleigh, Jacksonville, North Carolina, Morehead City, and New Bern.

Sometimes people in eastern NC are hurt in a car accident while they are on the job.  Our law firm is able to provide legal representation for those types of legal cases too.

For all personal injury cases our legal team will provide a FREE consultation.  That’s right, we charge nothing to talk to you and answer your questions.  If we think we can serve as your law firm or help make a claim for money damages in NC, we will establish an attorney client relationship.

Our legal fees for NC wreck cases are set on what’s called a contingency fee basis.  That means we earn legal fees if we are able to obtain a recovery for things like lost wages, medical bills, personal injury, disfigurement, and scarring.










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