Kevin Jones
There are a lot of different kinds of lawyers in North Carolina. Some practicing attorneys help people with divorce and family law matters. Other legal professionals focus their time on wills, estates, and transfers of property. Still other lawyers prepare contracts and draft corporate documents, filing materials with the NC Secretary of State. Law partner Kevin Jones is here to help you with your personal injury and workers’ compensation claims.
We named our law firm, the Dodge Jones Personal Injury Law Firm, because that’s what we do: We help hurt people. He serves as attorney and legal counsel in cases where you may have suffered a “personal injury.” And when necessary, we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you in court, advocating for what is right and what is fair under the NC injury laws.
That means we help people with legal issues involving:
- Workplace Injuries / On the Job Accidents
- North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Claims
- Catastrophic Losses
- Loss of Limb
- Disfigurement
- Scarring
- Permanent Injury
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Brain Damage
- Loss of Cognitive Abilities
- Paralysis
- Vehicle Accidents
- Car Accidents
- Boating Accidents
- Jet Ski Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Semi Truck Accidents “Trucking Accidents”
- Wrongful Death Lawsuits in North Carolina
Lawyers tend to call those areas of practice “PI” or “Personal Injury Law.” People hurt in accidents may not always understand what that means. And that’s OK.
The point is, if you were hurt in an accident, if you suffered lost wages and have outstanding medical bills, we’re here to help. It doesn’t matter where you are in eastern North Carolina, chances are, we have an office nearby to meet you, discuss your case with you and your family, and provide a Free Evaluation.
How to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim
If you can’t come to us, we’ll visit you at home, at the hospital, and at your long-term care or rehab facility. We want to make it easy on you, and your loved ones, to retain our law office and our personal injury lawyers for legal representation.
What is Workers’ Compensation in North Carolina? Is That Different From Workers' Compensation NC?Some of the confusion about making a claim for injuries after a workplace accident in North Carolina comes from changes in the law over the years. The important thing to remember is this: Under Article I of the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act, it is presumed all workers and all employers are covered under the NC workplace injury laws.
The North Carolina General Assembly did that on purpose. They want the Work Comp laws in North Carolina to broadly apply, across the state, to every worker and their employer. The whole point of the comp laws in North Carolina is to:
- Protect workers, thereby ensuring compensation for workplace injuries
- Protect employers, thereby avoiding unnecessary litigation and the costs of defending a legal action for negligence in North Carolina
That’s one reason why “negligence” and “contributory negligence,” very important legal considerations in traditional forms of civil litigation and personal injury law in North Carolina, are largely unimportant in North Carolina Worker Compensation claims. It just doesn’t matter.
Even if you hurt yourself on the job in a workplace injury, you are likely covered under the NC workplace injury laws. That does NOT mean your claim is automatically filed. It also does NOT mean you can ignore your claim and expect to be able to recover for lost wages, medical bills, and permanent injuries.
The workers’ compensation Act in North Carolina can be a bit confusing. We recommend clients contact us right away, so we can begin work immediately. There are important things that must be done to preserve your claim in NC – Kevin Jones, NC Workers’ Compensation Board Certified Specialist
Frankly, if the system was always fair, there wouldn’t even be a need for work comp lawyers in North Carolina. It may not make sense to make a worker, who is already hurting and laid up in the hospital, worry about legal matters and the complexities of properly filing a claim for money damages.
If a loved-one was hurt or killed at work, it flat-out is a good idea to retain the legal services of a NC workers' compensation lawyer. We will explain the law to you. We will let you know how claims are to be filed. And we’ll help calculate what level of damages and compensation you deserve under the NC injury laws.
10 Tips FOR finding a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
How Do Worker Compensation Lawyers Get Paid in North Carolina? What are the Legal Fees for NC Work Comp Claims?At first, we get paid nothing. That’s because we don’t charge legal fees to sit down and talk about your case. It’s part of the legal consultation in NC work comp claims.
If you choose to retain our law office for legal representation. That’s great. If you decide not to pursue a legal claim for workers' compensation, that’s OK too.
It’s the nature of being a NC Workers’ Compensation Lawyer. While there may be a legal basis for making a claim and litigating the matter, sometimes that’s just not in the best interests of the client.
There tend to be a lot of moving parts. Work Comp law involves a complex interaction between the type and nature of the injury, the extent of loss or damages, and the Employer / Employee relationship in North Carolina.
It isn’t always a friendly process. An employer may threaten you with your job if you make a workers' compensation claim. And while there may be legal recourse in the long-term for doing that, in the short-term you need a job to provide for your family.
We get that. It’s why we also stress the need for confidence. Lawyers use the term “confidential consultation” for a reason. We want people, interested in getting information about legal representation but who not quite certain they want to pursue a claim for money damages against their employer, to know we keep secrets.
We are not going to tell your employer you called us. In fact, we’re not going to tell ANYONE you came to see us about making a claim without your permission and approval.
There’s nothing nefarious going on. That’s pretty common in legal issues. If you were considering a divorce, but weren’t quite sure if that’s what you wanted to do, it makes sense to get good information. As a NC workers’ compensation law firm, we firmly believe good information helps our clients make the best decisions for themselves and their family.
Legal Fees for NC Personal Injury Cases
No case is exactly the same, just like no person is exactly the same as another. What’ is important to someone else, even with very similar injuries after a workplace accident, may not mean a hill of beans to you.
Now is the Time to CallWe provide sound legal advice predicated on years of service to people just like you. We’ll explain your legal rights under the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation laws, we’ll evaluate your case for strengths and weaknesses, and we’ll provide our professional legal advice about what you should do and how we can help achieve your goals.
The Dodge Jones Personal Injury Law Firm – Serving our neighbors and friends throughout eastern North Carolina.
J.D., Campbell University School of Law, 1992
B.S., University of North Carolina, 1989
North Carolina State Bar
- Personal Injury
- Workers’ Compensation Law
- Workplace accidents
- Workplace injury
- Wrongful Death Claims