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Robert Dodge (Retired)
Kevin Jones
Russell Needell
Practice Areas
Personal Injury
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Workers' Compensation
Verdicts & Settlements
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Serving Eastern NC
More Than 30 Years
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Do I Need To Sue After an Accident?
Coastal Paradise, Perilous Roads: Drunk Driving Accidents in Coastal North Carolina
NC Workers' Comp: What You Deserve AND What You Pay (Fees Explained)
Beyond Careless: Understanding Negligence in Your North Carolina Car Accident
One Percent Responsible, Zero Recovery? Understanding NC's UNFAIR Contributory Negligence Law
Road Rash & Red Tape: Prioritize Yourself & Your Motorcycle Accident Claim
Denied Claim: Unmasking Why Insurance Companies Say No (and What You Can Do)
Beyond Scratches & Dents: Understanding the Tragic Reality of Motorcycle Accidents
Trial or No Trial: Find Out Your Options
Contingency Legal Fees: Compensation Without Paying Upfront!
How much do Accident Lawyers charge
Are NC Workers' Compensation Benefits TAXABLE INCOME?
What should I do after an accident?
Maximizing Your Workers Compensation Claim
Will My Prior Medical History be Used in a Workers' Comp Case?
Negligence in Workers' Compensation Cases
Amputation Injuries in the Workplace
How much is my Workers' Compensation Claim Worth?
Re-Injuring a Pre-Existing Injury
Taking your Workers' Compensation Case to Trial
Who Pays: Work Comp or Health Insurance?
Healthcare Benefits and NC Comp Claims
Car Accident Deposition NC
Why is the insurance company involved if I was not at fault?
When should I contact an attorney after an accident?
After my accident, how do I obtain compensation?
What are legal fees for accident cases?
What happens when you make a legal claim for a rear end accident?
What happens in a accident when the other person is not insured?
Should I go see a doctor after an accident?
If I win my case how is the money paid?
What if Injury is On The Clock and My Fault?
If I quit my job what happens to my Comp claim?
Who is responsible for workplace injuries?
Repetitive Motion Injuries in the Workplace
What happens to my wages if I am hurt at work?
What happens to my job if I file an injury claim?
Failing Drug Test After Workplace Injury
Can I Collect Unemployment Benefits and Workers' Comp Benefits at The Same Time?
Does Right to Work affect North Carolina Comp Claims?
How Long After An Injury Do I Have to Make a Workers' Comp Claim?
Can I work when a Work Comp claim is being investigated?
Can I Recoup Lost Wages From A Second Job When I'm Injured?
How Long Will My Workers' Comp Case Take?
Doctors Not Taking Workers' Comp Cases
Denial of Workplace Injury Claims in North Carolina
Merry Christmas from Dodge Jones Injury Law Firm
Eastern NC Workers' Compensation Lawyer
Hurt at work? Call Dodge Jones!
Can I move with an active claim?
How will I get paid when on disability?
What do I do if my employer refuses to make a claim?
What happens if my employer does not have insurance?
What are my legal options if I was hurt at work?
Can my employer force me to see their doctor?
What is light duty at work?
Can I apply for Social Security Disability?
Is it legal for them to fire me?
What happens if my disability check is late?
What is the Family Medical Leave Act?
If I Have a Work Restriction, What Kind of Jobs Do I Look For?
Can I Get Unemployment for an Injury at Work?
How Do I File a Claim for an Injury at Work?
What does Workers Comp in North Carolina cover?
How do you prepare for trial in an accident case?
How do I hire a Workers Comp lawyer?
What is Contributory Negligence?
Legal Advice for Repetitive Motion Injuries - Work Comp lawyer in Greenville NC
What Happens if My on the Job Injury Involves a Car Accident?
Work Comp Lawyer in Greenville NC - What is a Work Related Injury?
What is a 500 Week Cap? - Raleigh Work Comp Lawyers Explain the NC Workers Compensation Laws
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Practice Areas
Personal Injury
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Workers' Compensation
Discovery Violations
Client Reviews
If you are looking for a highly knowledgeable, caring, and virtuous law firm to help you, Dodge Jones is the answer! You can definitely count on them to provide the best quality legal service. They are outstanding!
Meghan H.
Highly recommend Dodge Jones to anyone.
Joey H.
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