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Workers' Compensation Lawyers Beaufort NC

Beaufort NC By: Kevin Jones, Workers' compensation Lawyers Beaufort NC

Carteret County is my home town. It’s where I grew up, went to school, and where I came back after law school.

It’s not just that I love the ocean or fishing on Shackleford Banks. Morehead City NC and Beaufort are flat out a great places to live and raise a family. I know Carteret County, its culture, its traditions, and understand how people from here look at the world and their place in it.

The truth is, people from Beaufort and Carteret County NC are proud, hard-working folks. They understand, “An Honest Day’s Work for an Honest Day’s Pay.” The people I’ve known my entire life don’t ask for anything more than what’s fair and right.

About Carteret County NC

Carteret County NC The United States Census Bureau reports that in 2017 there were approximately 69,000 residents of Carteret County NC. 90% of high school students graduate, with around 26% of people later graduating college.

Less than 15% of people in Carteret County are on disability (under the age of 65) and only 12.3% of people don’t have insurance. The 2017 estimated Median Household Income for Carteret County NC was $51,550.

Those numbers are pretty straightforward. They indicate people work for a living in Carteret County. It’s largely a blue-collar, working person town. People in Beaufort put in long days, working in jobs like construction, food service, factory jobs (factory workers) fishing, shrimping, boat building, health care, laborers and day labor.

And that’s one reason why I get so fired up when my friends, my neighbors, my clients get dogged-out at work by their employer. They work hard at their jobs and for their bosses. When our law firm clients get hurt at work, it only makes sense that they’d be fairly compensated for their injuries related to workplace injuries in Carteret County NC.

The NC Workers’ Compensation laws were established for just that reason. Not only do they (the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Laws) help the employee hurt on the job; they also protect the employer from unnecessary litigation and costs traditionally associated with NC personal injury lawsuits.

I knew when I went to law school I wanted to handle personal injury cases, focusing on Workers’ Compensation law in eastern North Carolina, Jacksonville, Greenville, Morehead City and Beaufort NC in Carteret County. At the Dodge Jones Personal Injury Law Firm, we help people needing legal representation in all those places.

Do You Need a Workers' compensation Lawyer? Need Legal Representation for a Work Comp Lawyer Beaufort NC?

If you Googled, “Workers' compensation Lawyers Near Me,” we’ve got you covered. The Dodge Jones Law Firm has five convenient office locations to meet and discuss your case. We provide legal representation to people hurt in car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and semi truck accidents in Carteret County NC. That’s in addition to our work with Worker Comp cases.

How to File Workers' compensation in North Carolina

We provide legal consultations for personal injury cases and workers’ compensation claims free of charge. The lawyers at our Carteret County law firm do that with compassion, professionalism, and confidentially. That means you can call a NC workers' compensation attorney at our office, ask questions, and figure how we can help.

That also means we keep secrets, so you don’t need to worry about us telling anyone or affecting your job if you choose not to move forward with a Work Comp claim.

The NC Workers’ Compensation laws provide compensation for things like:

  • Lost Wages
  • Medical Expenses
  • Permanent Injury
  • Loss of Limb
  • Scarring
  • Disfigurement

NC Workers’ Compensation There is no pressure to retain the firm for legal representation. We don’t charge hourly rates. We won’t send you a bill. We only get paid legal fees if we are successful in helping you present a claim for damages. That’s what personal injury lawyers call a Contingency Fee.

We also provide legal help and advice about workplace injury, using the contingent legal fee arrangement. We are Workers' compensation Lawyers Beaufort NC. We help people injured at work, whether or not it is your fault.

That’s how the NC Worker Compensation Laws work. Legal claims are based on things like how many people work for a company, whether there is insurance or the company is self-insured, and confirm legal claims for workplace injuries are properly filed.

It’s different than traditional personal injury claims in North Carolina. Work Comp lawyers focus less on negligence or who was at fault, which are important considerations of legal representation for car accidents or motorcycle wrecks.

That’s not to say we don’t carefully analyze the mechanisms of an injury at work. In legal claims involving repetitive motion injuries, it’s important, as lawyers, to determine what in fact caused carpal tunnel syndrome, stress fractures, and joint issues.

Now is the time to call Kevin Jones, NC Workers’ Compensation Law Specialist, if you have questions like:

  • Am I entitled to damages for workplace injuries?
  • Are my medical bills paid if I was hurt at work?
  • Will I get fired if I make a claim for Workers’ Compensation?
  • Can I make a claim under the NC Workers’ Compensation laws?
  • How much am I entitled to work an injury at work?
  • Where do I find a Workers' compensation Lawyers Beaufort NC?

Click Here for Directions and Map of Dodge Jones Law Office Locations

Client Reviews
If you are looking for a highly knowledgeable, caring, and virtuous law firm to help you, Dodge Jones is the answer! You can definitely count on them to provide the best quality legal service. They are outstanding! Meghan H.
Highly recommend Dodge Jones to anyone. Joey H.