Can I Trust the Company Doctor?

I was hurt at work, but can’t seem to get treatment approved. Things aren’t getting better. Can I trust the Company Doctor?
The NC Work Comp laws are intended to be fair for everyone involved, including both the employer and the employee who is injured on the job. In application, sometimes that happens and sometimes it doesn’t.
“It’s reasonable to ask, “Why is a physician even called a ‘Company Doctor?’ Why can’t I go to my regular doctor who knows me?.”
– Kevin Jones, Workers' Comp Lawyer
Doctors are supposed to provide you the best medical care and advice possible. That’s a basic duty all physicians owe their patients. Primum non nocere is Latin for “first do no harm.”
You may have heard it called the Hippocratic Oath. The truth is, swearing that oath is not required to be a doctor.
In fact, it’s not actually even part of the Hippocratic Oath. At best it’s considered a pledge to try to do a good job, or at least that’s what the Harvard Medical School says.
And unfortunately, at times, doctors look out for what’s best for your employer and not you. If that happens to you, it’s time to lawyer up.
When can I see My own Doctor?
Actually, you can always go see your own doctor or doctors. If you have health insurance or major medical coverage that may be a good thing to do.
The question is, will that insurance company pay for treatment if you were involved in a workplace injury? If you’re not receiving satisfactory medical care by the company doctor, it may be a good idea to get a second opinion.
It makes sense to talk to the doctor who knows you and your past medical history. A worker’s compensation lawyer can help work that out.
“We recommend you talk to an experienced Comp lawyer about your options. Prior to running up hefty medical bills, we can explain your legal rights.”
– Kevin Jones, New Bern Attorney
An important part of what we do is negotiate medical bills and claims under the Worker’s Compensation Act. Sometimes that involves working through coverage issues and problems with reimbursement for medical bills.
Do I Have to Clear Treatment With My Employer?There are times when you are required to provide your employer Notice of a Workplace Injury. That may also involve getting clearance for certain types and levels of medical treatment.
At the same time, that may not always be possible.
In emergency situations, when literally life and limb are on the line, there may not be time to explain things or sit down to fill out paperwork or claim forms.
The Workers' Compensation Laws in North Carolina understand that. There are ways to provide proper Notice of a Claim at a later date. But, there are also important time-frames for that Notice and when and who must be provided Notice.
Seek immediate legal advice from Board Certified Worker’s Compensation Attorney, Kevin Jones
Our law firm can help you with all that. Indeed, we believe it’s a good idea to seek legal advice before doing much of anything relating to bringing a claim for an on the job injury.
We charge nothing to sit down and talk with you. And everything you tell us remains a secret.
That’s true even if you decide it’s in your best-interest to stick with the Company Doctor, even when you don’t think they’ve got your back.
What Happens if I Make a Worker’s Compensation Claim? Will I Get Fired?Actually, the honest answer is, “It depends.” It depends a lot on your employer. You’re not supposed to get fired for making a Claim for a workplace injury.
But some employers break the law. While you may ultimately prevail with the NC Industrial Commission, that can take time.
That’s one reason we believe it’s a good idea to talk to a lawyer first. We’ll explain your legal options and how long it takes to settle a claim.
We’ve helped people with Comp Claims throughout eastern North Carolina and on the coast. We’re familiar with common practices and policies from some of the bigger employers in Greenville, Jacksonville, Morehead City, and Beaufort.
If you have questions about the best way to move forward, we’ll come to you. We want to make sure you understand damages for injuries, including disability ratings.
Getting legal advice can be an important part of your decision-making process. We understand clients have fears about their jobs. We keep confidences. What you tell us is confidential.
It’s not going to hurt our feelings if you seek our legal advice and decide it would be better not to immediately retain legal representation. Thereafter if you still have problems, we’ll be here.
Worker’s Compensation Lawyer Kevin JonesKevin Jones has 30 years helping clients with Worker Compensation claims in North Carolina. He’s from Morehead City. He grew up there.
You may reach Kevin by email
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